From zero to hero: Top brands that went from unknown to unstoppable, with the power of positive mouth publicity

08 February 2023

Many top brands like Airbnb, Dropbox, Slack, Uber, Tesla, Paypal, and Netflix use various types of marketing. All these brands are also famous for word-of-mouth marketing. Mouth publicity assists in making more customers without much marketing cost. Many other corporates use mouth publicity. It is more effective than marketing.Many people love to purchase new things; if they like the product, they share it happily with their family, friends, groups, etc.

 Word-of-mouth referrals work effectively, and customers share their positive responses with others. Word-of-mouth marketing is more powerful than other marketing ideas. Some brands didn’t pay for marketing; they just followed the mouth marketing strategy.This is also called organic marketing. 64% of marketers agree that word of mouth is the most effective form of marketing 43% of marketer’s use word-of-mouth marketing to improve their business sales. So many people likely to purchase when referred by friends, and WOM generates 2X more sales than paid ads. Word of mouth, also called organic marketing, is passing information from person to person using oral communication—word-of-mouth where one person tells others a story about an actual product after use.

 Here are short case studies of companies; Significant benefits of word-mouth-marketing.

1. Airbnb

Airbnb is an digital marketplace that allows people to list, discover, and book personal accommodations worldwide. Being a service-based company, it is currently in about 220+ countries and has around 5.6 million active listings on its website providing homerental and lodging services. Airbnb all set to achieve its business ambitions and customerconnects in the coming section.So let us understand how Airbnb’s marketing strategy has been staged.They connect people to personal travel experiences, at several price ranges, in more than1,00,000 cities and 220+ countries. Its product strategy aims to connect travellers withhosts who give accommodation through its digital platform.Air bed and breakfast; this term is not quite popular, but it is the original name of today's famous home rental company, Airbnb. Their main objective was to provide a sense of familiarity and a home experience for their guests. Airbnb, as of today, is known for providing low-cost services compared to other hotel companies. Airbnb has several marketing channels as it uses both online and offline forms of approach to showcase its offerings.The promotions are generally targeted at local customers to make them aware of Airbnbthrough city guides and personal experiences through its website. Many promotions arealso done to create social buzz about the Airbnb brand through social media and word-of-mouth. This is how Airbnb works on its marketing strategy.

2. Uber

The world's biggest ride-sharing company, Uber Technologies was established in 2009 andrapidly raised to become the world's incredible valuable startup. It has been massivelysuccessful both for Uber and certain superfans, one of whom earned over $50,000 inreferral credits. Drivers also get referral incentives, making the acquisition on both thecustomer and contractor; sides faster and easier. Referrals are an integral part ofUber's marketing strategy.Uber has implemented several partnerships to entice first-time and loyal customers totake a ride. The most crucial aspect of Uber’s marketing strategy and the product is itsseamless, multi-channel nature. Attracting purchasers is achieved by positive word-of-mouth reviews, demonstrating knowledge, and exciting content. This is one area Ubermarketing continues to succeed. The brand comes out multiple times per year with newpartnerships and promotional stunts.It is crucial to emphasise the word of mouth in every business, campaigns, branding efforts, and, word of mouth marketing made Uber what it is today. Customers were hyperactive about Uber not only because it was new, it solved a problem for tech-savvy customers who require on-demand transport that was protected, trustable, consistent, and took benefits of accessible new technologies.

3. Tesla

Another large company that became popular through mouth marketing is Tesla. Tesla does not spend any money on marketing; instead, they use a mixture of inbound marketing (Generally through word-of-mouth), exceptional sales centres, and post-sale services to gain and retain its customer base. The investment in standard directly contributes to the victory of their inbound marketing strategy. Considering the way Tesla has been growing, the economist noted that Elon isprobably right. They don’t need advertisements and probably will never need them.

4. Netflix

Netflix is an excellent example of how personalised content can improve usercontentment. Netflix knows what TV shows and other movies its users like to watch. It uses this information to create customised recommendations for them. This allows them to findthe content they like without searching through multiple lists. It also ensures that usersare always getting the trending and foremost content. This level of personalization is demanding for digital users because it improves their experience and makes them more likely to replace a site in the future. Netflix used the best content marketing strategy over the last decade. The company thinks of an out-of-the-box way to grab rapid attention from users. Netflix happens to be a personal example and inspiration for several fellow companies. They have finished a commendable job in content, branding, entrepreneurship model, and results.

5. Paypal

Paypal’s big challenge was to get new customers. They tried advertising. It was tooexpensive. The PayPal team reached an important conclusion: They needed organic, viral growth. They needed to give people money. So that’s what they did. New purchasers got $10 for signing up, and existing ones got $10 for referrals.Growth went exponential, and PayPal paid $20 for each new customer. Things wereworking and not working simultaneously; 7 to 10% daily growth and 100 million userswere good. No revenues and an exponentially improving cost structure were not. Thingsfelt unstable. PayPal requires buzz so it could uplift more capital and continue.You don’t require to provide away hundreds of thousands for your referral program toflourish. Like PayPal, you can construct lasting brand dedication that runs word-of-mouthreferrals with smart targeting and creative bonuses that add valuation to the purchaserexperience.

6. Slack

Slack has over 1,000+ integrations; The company uses these integrations to gain referral traffic to its website and piggyback on the success of these integrations to ensure it appears on the first-page chase results whenever anyone chases for a product with which Slack assimilates. Slack understands that every purchaser interaction is a marketing chance. If an organisation/company can go above and beyond to give remarkable purchaser service, the community will be satisfied to deliver you. Slack also influenced his entrepreneur friends to try slack. These unions and word-of-mouth referrals paid off, and 8,000 people signed up on Slack the day one. The number had almost doubled within two weeks.

7. Dropbox

If you share files across the internet, you used Dropbox at one point or another.While simple in its concept, this product has become one of the most popular file-sharing products ever made with values for the figure of users carrying morethan 500 million. Some of the better word-of-mouth marketing strategies are the onesthat require absolutely no cost at all. Dropbox was one of those promising startups with high initial investments from the get-go, yet they purposely created a zero-cost refer-a-friend program. A customer could refer a friend to Dropbox, and if the referral started using Dropbox the referral link, both the customer and the friend would receive an extra 500MB of storage. You are making them a hero by arming the customer with a preferred advantage they can take to their referrals. ClosureWord-of-mouth marketing assists a company in reaching new audiences and buildingsolid and positive relationships. These results gives a real incentive to you as thebusiness owner to earn and share this significant means of driving your sales toSuperior heights. Yet the same source indicates that only 33% of businesses are activelyseeking and collecting reviews.When you offer a personal and positive experience, you will automatically receivepositive word-of-mouth. WOM marketing is getting positive experiences by using thecustomer’s view on brand, product, or service during social interactions or conversations with friends, family, or social media. One must utilise Word of Mouth to amplify the “Word-Of-Mouth” for your company.

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